How to Hunt a Turkey
It can be called as a fun activity because it is tough and engaging. The hunt for a turkey can end up in a flash or end up in taking hours of your time. We give you some heads up if you have not been to the ground to do some.
Call someone
It’s always better to call someone, this way you won’t get bored quickly. Bring someone who has experience of hunting in the area. The more experienced hunter can do the calling.
Get up early
Tag your bird as soon as you can. Best, do it in the first hour of the hunting. This means that you need to be on your spot early in the morning.
For a novice user this can be tough. Check out various ways on YouTube to call the turkey. This will also help you in memorizing how to identify that a turkey is near. You can also buy a box call because they are very easy to use. Buy a push button call as it takes only one hand to operate them.
Wear camouflage clothing. Also make sure that your hands and face are covered. Buy a ¾ inch face mask which is easy to pull down. Buy gloves that provide you some grip as well.
You can also hunt a turkey without a decoy but having one will increase your chances dramatically. If you have enough money then you can buy a feather system decoy.
Choose your bird
Look for a flock of turkey that is approaching you. Pick at least two turkeys out of the flock.
Mostly 12 gauge guns are used. For more power you can go for a #5 shot.
Placing the shot
Shot gun hunters should only take headshots. The range should be around 45 yards. If you are hunting then do not move, instead wait for the bird to move by itself.